Sunday 26 June 2016

Excellence Evidence: Deputy Head Girl 7

The other day the school held a plunket mufti day. This was to raise money for the plunket organisation in Canterbury. It was a gold coin donation. Being one of the four heads I was able to participate in the event by going around with the other heads and the plunket mascot to show the kids. We first went to the office meet the woman who was dressing up as the plunket bear called Blue, her name was Karen. When we got there we got a bucket, to put all of the money in and a small version of Blue the bear to carry around with us. (I got to hold it.) 

It was a team decision to go to the junior rooms first. It was really cool to see all of the little kids be amazedby a giant blue bear in their classroom. A few of the classes got a photo with the bear and all of them came up and gave Blue a high-five or hug. After going to all of the junior rooms we went to the year 7/8 area and it was funny to see there faces when Blue walked in they looked really confused and kinda like why did you bring that bear in here.

After the year 7/8's we went to the year 5/6's and then the year fours. Throughout all of the classes we collected the money that they raised. 

Once we were finished we went back to the office and helped Karen count the money. It was a huge job because we needed to have the exact right amount and not miss any. In total the school of 650 raised $701.70, and all of that money went to plunket to help them look and children up to five.

The learner quality I showed was resilient because when we were counting the money it was tough trying to make sure you didn't miss one coin. 

I showed leadership by helping Karen go around the school because the suit was a big heavy one and sometimes she couldn't see where she was going so I helped her.  

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